Tag Archives: Robin Williams

Episode 25- Jumanji

Have you ever played a board game that’s tried to kill you? Well that’s just what happens to Robin Williams and Kirsten Dunst (and to a lesser extent Bonnie Hunt and some other kid) in 1995’s family adventure film Jumanji. Directed by Joe Johnston, who gave us other classic family fare such as The Rocketeer and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, it was a box office smash, spawning a TV cartoon series, and a real-life board game that supposedly doesn’t try to kill you. Does the movie still entertain almost 20 years later? Is this Robin Williams’ hairiest role? Who is awesomer David Allen Grier or LeVar Burton? We answer these questions and more (the answer to C is LeVar Burton) on this week’s Rewatchability!

Episode 25- Jumanji

WARNING: the podcast contains strong language and immature subject matter, please be advised.

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Episode 6- Hook

Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, and Phil Collins… briefly… for some reason. Yes it’s Hook, Steven Spielberg’s often maligned  reworking of the Peter Pan story. Spielberg himself admitted he was disappointed with the results, but is it better than even he remembers?

In this week’s episode of Rewatchability we ask the tough questions, such as “Which would be a worse job on the Hook set, washing Julia Roberts feet, or shaving Robin Williams upper body?”

Episode 6- Hook

WARNING: the podcast contains strong language and immature subject matter, please be advised.

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